About TDR

Transferable development rights (TDR) is a method by which developers can purchase the development rights of certain parcels within a designated "sending district" and transfer the rights to another "receiving district" to increase the density of their new development. It is used for controlling land use to complement land-use planning and zoning for more effective urban growth management and land conservation.

TDR Bank

Severed TDRs can be held (“banked”) and auctioned off for future use in TDR receiving areas. For example, several municipalities in Lancaster County have acquired TDRs from landowners in township-designated sending areas and held them in a TDR bank. Once banked, those TDRs could either be retired by the elected officials or sold to a developer.

TDR Bank

TDR Ledger

TDR Ledger is a permanent summary of transactions that are happened on issued DRC file.Transcation can be either partial sale/transfer or Full transfer, and it can Utlized through DPMS application for building permission as well. On one DRC we can see how many transactions happened, how many DRC Certificates generated. TDR Ledger helps to view complete history for Generated Child certificate and parent certificate.

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How To Apply

TDR application may be submitted by A Citizen or GHMC Officer
Any Citizen who is surrendering / has surrendered his land, free of cost, to GHMC for public purpose may apply to avail ‘Transferable Development Right’ Certificate. Click on ‘Apply Now’ link
A) Fill your personal details and land details.
B) Click on Save button. Your TDR Application number is displayed with Success message.
C) Upload At least THREE documents (Sale Deed, Encumbrance Certificate & Market Value Certificate)
D) Submit the application.
E) You will receive a SMS and Email notifying the submitted TDR application.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is TDR?

    Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) means making available certain amount of additional built up area in lieu of the area relinquished or surrendered by the owner of the land, so that he can use extra built up area either himself or transfer it to another in need of the extra built up area for an agreed sum of money.

  • Development Rights Certificate (DRC), whether transferable / Inheritable:

    If the owner of any land which is required for road widening for formation of new roads or development of parks, play grounds, civic amenities etc., those proposed in the plan shall be eligible for the award of Transferable Development Rights. Such award will entitle the owner of the land in the form of a Development Rights Certificate (DRC). Which he may use for himself or transfer to any other person.

  • What are the Rules & GO's Applicable for TDR?

    Rule 17 of G.O Ms. No.168, Dt:7.4.2012 and as amended vide G.O Ms. No.330, Dt:28.12.2017
    Rule 17:
    a. Transferable Development Right” (TDR) can be awarded only when such lands are transferred to the local body / Urban Development Authority as the case may be by way of registered gift deed. The award would be in the form of a TDR certificate issued by the Competent Authority / Sanctioning Authority.
    b. Grant of TDR can be considered by the Competent Authority / Sanctioning Authority for the following areas subject to the owners complying with the conditions of development above, as per the following norms:
    (i) For the Master Plan Road / Road Development Plan undertaken and developed / peripheral road provided in Group Development Schemes: equivalent to 400% of such area surrendered. For conservation and development of lakes / water bodies / Nalas foreshores & Recreational buffer development with greenery etc: equivalent to 200% of such recreational buffer area developed at his cost.
    (ii) For Heritage buildings and heritage precincts maintained with adaptive reuse: equivalent to 100% of built up area of such site area.
    c. The TDR may be arrived at on the basis of relative land value and equivalent amount in both export and Import areas, as per the Registration Department records. The Competent Authority shall have the discretion in the matter of applicability of TDR. The TDR shall not be allowed in unauthorized buildings / structures / constructions and shall be considered only after the land is vested with the local authority / UDA. The TDR certificate issued would be valid or utilized / disposed only within the concerned local body area and as per guidelines and conditions prescribed.

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What is use of TDR?

Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) means making available certain amount of additional built up area in lieu of the area relinquished or surrendered by the owner of the land, so that he can use extra built up area either himself or transfer it to another in need of the extra built up area for an agreed sum of money. TDR is land development rights (permitted to be used on new and existing buildings) issued by the GHMC /ULB's Urban Local Body (Municipal body, Urban Improvement Trust, Urban Development Authority) in the form of a certificate regulated under the building byelaws or in conjunction with the TDR guidelines framed by State Government from time to time. The TDR in short enables the transfer of development potential partly or fully from one plot to another. TDR certificate shall be issued by GHMC/ULB's in lieu of land surrendered by the Owner/ private developer, free of cost.